Fall 2021

Data Science Welcome Party

Join us for the Data Science Welcome Party presented by the Rice D2K Lab and Rice Data Science Club.

Date: Tuesday, September 7 | 5:30 pm - 7 pm (Add to Calendar)

Location: Valhalla Outdoor Patio, on campus (map)

Perks: Free tacos, drinks, and swags!

Come learn about lots of student clubs and meet other students interested in data science!

Data Science Welcome Party - Rice D2K Lab

Agenda | September 7, 2021

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM | Overview of data science at Rice + Introduction from student club officers

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Visit each booth to learn more about specific data science opportunities:

· D2K Lab

· Data Science Minor

· Rice Data Science Club and Rice Datathon

· Rice CS Club (HackRice, RiceApps, RemixCS, and CS I/O)

· CSters - Rice Women in Computing

· Rice IEEE and ShELECs


Connect with computational and data science friends and learn about ways to get involved in data science at Rice!