The COVID-19 Data Science project, led by Dr. Jeffrey S. Morris, focuses on reporting research results, data sets, applications and models related to COVID-19. In the light of Dr. Morris' research, Rice Ph.D. student, Emma Zohner has developed a web application that provides a visual representation of the daily evolution of testing, incidents, hospitalization, and death.
The goal of the web app is to aggregate daily SARS-CoV-2 testing, and COVID-19 incidents as accurately as possible in the United States and worldwide. It presents related data in a clear, concise manner, and provide various perspectives to give a complete picture to the user.
The app has been recently updated to include international data. Users can choose any number of countries in the world, and it will plot information on number of tests conducted, positive tests, hospitalizations, and mortality.
"When you look at incidence per capita, you see that almost all countries have flattened pretty well with 3 notable exceptions: USA, UK, and Sweden. These are growing linearly still, but clearly not exponentially as all countries have flattened the log curve." Dr. Morris commented on the latest data.
Dr. Jeffrey S. Morris is the director of the division of Biostatistics at the Perelman, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests focus on developing quantitative methods to extract knowledge from biomedical big data.
Emma Zohner is a fourth year PhD student in the Statistics department at Rice University. Her research interests are in dimensionality reduction, data visualization and statistical computing. Zohner is a Fellow of the Center for Transforming Data to Knowledge (the D2K Lab). Her research advisor is Dr. Jeffrey Morris.
To learn more about the web application, visit the website at