Why Become a Data Scientist

Become a Data Scientist - Rice D2K | Data to Knowledge Lab

Data scientists are in high demand in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, energy, finance, IT, retails, and nonprofits. Companies and organizations are hiring data analysts, data researchers, and machine learning engineers to extract valuable insights from massive amounts of data. 

Genevera Allen, Associate Professor at Rice University and Founder of the Data to Knowledge Lab, talks about the role of a data scientist and why it is important to gain data science skills. 

“Every dataset comes with unique challenges. Data science gives you the technical tools to solve those challenges,” Dr. Allen said. “As a data scientist, your job is a problem solver to find data-driven solutions that can make an impact in the world around you.” 

If you are a working professional interested in upskilling your career, check out the Master of Data Science Degree program at Rice University. 

If you are a student looking for real-world data science problems to work with, explore the enrichment courses and events here.

If you want to help make an impact through data science, support Rice students and D2K programs here.


Shanna Jin, Communications and Marketing Specialist at Rice D2K Lab

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